Volume 51, Issue 11 p. 1070-1071
Free Access

The reproducibility of the iliac crest as a marker of lumbar spine level

C. A. Render MB, ChB, FRCA

C. A. Render MB, ChB, FRCA

Senior Registrar in Anaesthesia, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton SO16 6YD.

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First published: November 1996
Citations: 72


The postero-anterior lumbar spine X rays of 163 patients undergoing investigation for back pain were reviewed and the spinal level marking the intersection of a line joining the iliac crests was determined. This point coincided with the L4 spinous process or the L4–5(interspace in 78.6% of patients but was as high as the L3–4 interspace in 3.7% of cases. Reliance on this landmark might lead to more cranial placement of epidural or spinal needles than was intended and this may increase the risk of spinal cord damage.