Volume 53, Issue 2 p. 181-184
Free Access

Blood transfusion facilitating difficult weaning from the ventilator

B. Schönhofer

B. Schönhofer

Krankenhaus Kloster Grafschaft, Zentrum für Pneumologie, Beatmungs- und Schlafmedizin, D-57392 Schmallenberg-Grafschaft, Germany,

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H. Böhrer

H. Böhrer

Klinik für Anaesthesiologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

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D. Köhler

D. Köhler

Krankenhaus Kloster Grafschaft, Zentrum für Pneumologie, Beatmungs- und Schlafmedizin, D-57392 Schmallenberg-Grafschaft, Germany,

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First published: 06 April 2002
Citations: 64
B. Schönhofer , Krankenhaus Kloster Grafschaft, Zentrum für Pneumologie, Beatmungs- und Schlafmedizin, D-57392 Schmallenberg-Grafschaft, Germany


We report a case series of five anaemic patients (haemoglobin: 8.7 ± 0.8 gdl−1) with chronic obstructive lung disease in whom trials of weaning from the ventilator were unsuccessful. After transfer to our regional weaning centre, blood was transfused to increase the haemoglobin value to 12 gdl−1 or higher. Subsequently, all patients were weaned successfully. We conclude from our experience that in anaemic patients with chronic obstructive lung disease there should not be a fixed transfusion threshold. In anaemic patients in whom difficulty in weaning from the ventilator is experienced, blood transfusion should be tailored to the individual patient's needs. Transfusion in those with chronic obstructive airways disease may lead to successful weaning.